:Discover maps

World Maps


Arts and History (10)

------------------------------ other categories ------------------------------

Health, Environment and Accessibility(33)

World Maps:

Germany Maps:

North America & England Maps:

------------------------------ other categories ------------------------------

Transport and Technology (12)

------------------------------ other categories ------------------------------

Sports, Outdoor and Family (20)

World Maps:

----------------------------- continent maps ------------------------------


--------------------------- countries of europe -----------------------------


---------------------- other countries of europe ---------------------------


----------------------------- cities of germany -----------------------------


--------------------------- other citys of germany --------------------------

Dresden & Heidelberg

--------------------------- other citys of germany --------------------------


---------------------- other countries of europe ---------------------------


---------------------- other countries of europe ---------------------------



---------------------------- other categories --------------------------------

Food and Drinks (7)

------------------------------ other categories ------------------------------

Nightlife (3)

Berlin, Germany:

------------------------------ other categories ------------------------------

OpenStreetMap Projects (12)

Here is a helpful list of OpenStreetMap-based tools and services by the Reddit user u/Spanholz (Reddit)



--------------------------- countries of europe -----------------------------


------------------------- other countries of europe ------------------------


Sports, Outdoor and History:

Health, Environment and Accessibility:

Transport and Technology:

----------------------------- cities of germany -----------------------------


Environment and Accessibility:

History and Transport:


Family & Outdoor Activities:

Arts, Food and Drinks:

--------------------------- other citys of germany --------------------------

Dresden & Heidelberg

--------------------------- other citys of germany --------------------------


------------------------ other countries of europe -------------------------


----------------------------- other countries ---------------------------------


----------------------------- other countries ---------------------------------


------------------------------ other continents ------------------------------

North America

------------------ provinces of Canada --------------------



------------------- states of the U.S.A. ---------------------



------------------------------ other continents ------------------------------

Central Asia



Last added projects

Projects that are unfortunately no longer carried out

jedermannsland.de a website that helps to enable free camping in Germany

berlin-playgrounds.de a passionate collection of playgrounds in Berlin

berlinmusicmap.com puts music events on a map with links to soundcloud profiles

berliner-hundeauslaufgebiete.de shows you the dog parks of Berlin

wasserwandern-in-berlin.de provides information about canoe tours, waterways and the local water tourism around Berlin

All maps and directories listed on this website do not use commercial rankings*!

This website shall focus on transparency, data privacy, mapping enthusiasm and content that is not ranked by commercial interest.

Enjoy the clean website and always keep your agency!

Here is a preview-link for a mobile website idea I'm working on: Adobe XD Preview (optimized for mobile devices. smooth transitions work best the second time you perform them)

*Commercial Rankings?! What do you mean?

english language

tl;dr -> Most ranking systems are intransparent and can be influenced by money. Ratings and reviews only have a very small impact on the ranking of search results.

Ranking systems are used to bring content to the top of your search result page. A ranking system that can be influenced by money, is in my opinion a commercial ranking.

And these rankings have a major impact on our decisions: what we buy, read, consume and where we go in the physical world.

However, we do not know anything about these algorithmic systems and how they work. We have confidence, are comfortable and are happy with terms such as “personalization”. And we all know one signal that we rely on: Ratings and Reviews

These little stars that mean the world in our rating society. But these stars are not as important for ranking systems as they are for us. There are various other signals that have the same or more influence on what we see and find online. One signal is the time and money invested in the discoverability of an offer, product, or physical business.

I think the divergence between the way rankings work and our understanding of them is problematic, especially considering the far-reaching impact of these systems.

german language

tl;dr -> Die meisten Ranking-Systeme sind intransparent und können durch Geld beeinflusst werden. Bewertungen und Kommentare haben nur einen sehr kleinen Einfluss auf das Ranking von Suchergebnissen.

Ranking-Systeme werden verwendet um Inhalte oben auf deiner Suchergebnisseite zu platzieren. Ein Ranking System, das durch Geld beeinflusst werden kann, ist nach meiner Ansicht ein kommerzielles Ranking.

Und diese Rankings haben einen großen Einfluss auf unsere Entscheidungen: Was wir kaufen, lesen, konsumieren und wohin wir uns in der physischen Welt bewegen.

Wissen tun wir jedoch nichts über diese algorithmischen Systeme und wie sie funktionieren. Wir haben Vertrauen, fühlen uns souverän und sind mit Begriffen wie „Personalisierung“ zufrieden. Und wir alle kennen ein Signal, auf das wir uns verlassen: Bewertungen und Kommentare.

Diese kleinen Sternchen, die die Welt in unserer Rating-Gesellschaft bedeuten. Genau diese Sterne sind aber für Ranking-Systeme nicht so ausschlaggebend wie für uns. Es gibt verschiedene andere Signale, die den gleichen oder einen größeren Einfluss auf das haben, was wir online sehen und finden. Ein Signal ist die Zeit und das Geld, die in die Auffindbarkeit eines Angebots, eines Produkts oder eines physischen Geschäfts investiert wird.

Ich denke, die Divergenz zwischen der Funktionsweise von Rankings und unserem Verständnis dafür ist problematisch, insbesondere angesichts der weitreichenden Auswirkungen dieser Systeme.

Support projects with up-to-date information

A difficulty when creating a directory project is expanding and updating your data. With this website, I would like to find a way through which projects can get more up-to-date information.

Until July 2022 there was an "Add Information" button on fava.world, but the possibility to contribute information on this website doesn't really make sense if you are already on the website of the project. Unless it takes too long to find the update option on the project website (UX) or e.g. you have to write a personal email.

Another possibility might be to create a new open geo database. A map application where individual projects can easily access relevant information and contributed information by users becomes a common good, instead of sharing information into proprietary systems like Google Maps.

On the mobile website preview, I tried to integrate this idea: Adobe XD Preview

More thoughts about Maps & Directories

Since smartphones are part of our daily lives, maps & directories are too.

Online maps are used for navigation but also for finding local businesses. Digital business directories often contain advertising and very dynamic, incomprehensible rankings. Big online companies that provide these (free) services are shaping the world we live in and they affect our movement in the physical world.

Map and business directory provider Google uses a ranking algorithm to show you a pre-selection of local search results. Google wants to keep its map experience as clean and easy as possible by limiting the number of visible entries. The distance to an entry is not the most important signal for the ranking and in high density areas we have to zoom in to a maximum to really find a place that is close to us regardless of the number of reviews and good ratings the entry has. Google's "local ranking" mainly depends, among other "Signals", on the diligent completion of the locations "Google Business Profile" and their prominence on the world wide web. Quote from Google: "(...) search engine optimization (SEO) best practices apply."

Online search results are subject to critical thinking. Advertising awareness, ranking mechanisms, data privacy and worth of your own data becoming a part of surfing the daily internet.

...and in times when people start to think about, how big online companies influence their lives and decisions. This idea is an alternativ approach to advertising, non-transparency, the massive collection of user data, our strange rating society and 'Signals' taking away our job of judgment!


If you have map recommendations, ideas about the project or critical thoughts, I'm happy about every feedback:


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